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Welcome to REFRESH estetic studio, located in the center of the beautiful wine town of Pezinok, near Bratislava. A team of experienced experts will advise you and provide you with the most modern services in the field of aesthetics, cosmetics and health. You can look forward to a massage or a relaxing beauty treatment, a change in the form of new eyebrows, lips, wrinkle-free skin, or a change in lifestyle with our fitness trainer and nutritionist. We are looking forward to you!

Mgr. Jana JurkoviCová 

Paramedic, cosmetologist,

makeup artist

I have been working in the field of permanent make-up for six years. During my internship, I gained an enormous amount of experience, skills, knowledge, which I constantly add new training and bring the latest world trends. I also like to study cosmetics or dermatology and I enjoy emphasizing women's beauty even more. I am a very positive personality, I do my job with all my heart and I can proudly say that my job is my dream come true.


Certified physiotherapist

I have known since I was a child that movement and  sport is what I enjoy. I did karate, hockey, football, and ballroom dancing. I tried new activities and  he liked to gain insight. I found myself exercising at the fitness center. Already in high school, I noticed in my classmates their posture, possible deviations and  I wanted to help them. That brought me to  physiotherapy study. I also deal with it professionally in  present. I am constantly gaining new experience and  practice. The work of a physiotherapist fills me and  moves on.

fyzioterapeut Erik Sabol je profesionál a odborník vo svojej profesii
Katka je fyzioterapeut a odborník na laserové ošetrenia a tiež pleťové prístrojové ošetrenia
Bc. Katarína Zámečníková

Certifikovaný fyzioterapeut, zdravotník

Katka je certifikovaná fyzioterapeutka a ako aktívna športovkyňa má blízko k zdravému životnému štýlu a starostlivosti o pleť. Má skúsenosti v laserových ošetreniach a tiež mezoterapii. Je veľmi ambiciózna a rýchlo napreduje, svoje doterajšie skúsenosti neustále rozširuje vzdelávaním aby pre Vás neustále prinášala novinky v estetike.

Katku nájdete na našej prevádzke v Bratislave, Lazaretská 13.

tel.recepcia 0915 888 047



- maderoterapia

- body shape - tvarovanie postavy

- mezoterapia, vlasová mezoterapia

- bukálna masáž

- laserová epilácia

- odstránenie tetovania


Certified beautician, specialist in Sothys products

"My name is Liliana Michalek, I am a certified beautician. I think the work of a beautician is a noble and beautiful profession in which I have certainly found herself. I take part in courses, various trainings and I always want to improve. I am happy to offer you the cosmetic services that each of us deserves and which, in addition to treating female beauty, also have relaxing effects. "

Diana Šaríková

Certifikovaná kozmetička

K svetu kozmetika inklinovala odjakživa, preto absolvovala akreditovaný kozmetický kurz. Vedela, že je to to, čo ju bude v živote napĺňať.. Lebo ako sa hovorí, "keď robíte, to, čo milujete, nikdy nebudete pracovať." Dianka sa rada vzdeláva a učí novým veciam, technikám, aby klientky dostali vždy len to najlepšie.

Dianka sa na Vás teší pri kozmetických ošetreniach na našej prevádzke v Pezinku, Moyzesova 2B.

tel.recepcia 0907 888 048


- HYDRAFACIAL ™ ošetrenie pleti

- profesionálne kozmetické ošetrenia so značkou SOTHYS

- laminácia obočia

- lashlifting

- chemický peeling

- microneedling

- úprava obočia

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